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The End of
Extreme Dieting!

“In Just 21 Days You can Jumpstart
Your Body to Lose Weight, Enhance
Your Immune System and Feel Awesome
All the Time - Without Extreme Dieting”

Your time is limited. Kevin Gianni's latest book shows you
only the techniques, foods, and nutrition tips that will bring
the best results with the least efforts. Yes, you can achieve
optimal health and have your cake (and eat it too).


You'll Discover:

How to stop reading another health book and become self-sufficient with your health. The bullet-proof process to find out exactly what diet and lifestyle will work for you
(page 40)

The top two energy "impostors" that you must avoid for energy, if you don’t want to turn into a real-life zombie
(page 166)

How this one technique can reduce or eliminate gut inflammation, a root cause of allergies, skin disorders, arthritis, diarrhea and lower immune function. (Plus: 5 other ways you can heal your gut)
(page 170)


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Fantastic! One of the most enter-taining health books I've read."


Sara Gottfried, M.D.
New York Times best-selling author of The Hormone Cure

Once I started it I had a hard time putting it down. When was the last time you sad that about a health book?"

Chris Kresser
New York Times best-selling author of Your Personal Paleo Code

This book takes you on a journey that explores why so much of what we think we know about diet is epically wrong."

Nick Ortner
New York Times best-selling author of The Tapping Solution

The 21 day jumpstart guide alone is worth the price of the book. Some of the concepts that Kevin carefully researched in this book have made a big impact in my health already!"

Frederic Patenaude
Author of "Raw Food Controversies"

It's rare to read a health book that's both helpful and incredibly entertaining."

Alan Christianson,NMD
New York Times best-selling author of The Adrenal Reset Diet

Breaking the Rules to Lose Weight and Look Great

So begins the saga of health blogger Kevin Gianni and his wife, Annmarie, as they travel the world to learn as much as they can about health and nutrition. Along the way they meet unlikely people in unlikely places as Kevin seeks an answer to his burning question: What-and how much-should we eat?

Gianni’s lighthearted debunking of the hype and nonsense surrounding much of the health and nutrition world today should be encouraging to anyone who’s ever tried a fad diet and failed. Kale and Coffee is packed with research-delivered in Gianni’s warm and humorous voice-but the aim throughout is to empower you to create the diet and lifestyle best suited to you alone.

Kale and Coffee offers practical tips for wellness, from testing your body-and pantry-for toxic metals to selecting the healthiest coffee, wines, and green drinks to consume. And don’t miss the Kale and Coffee 21-Day Jumpstart to launch you on your own journey of transformation.

                  Kevin Gianni

                  Kevin Gianni

About the Author

"Four years ago, when I was something of a YouTube health celebrity, I was on top of the world [and]... the diet pyramid. I ate the cleanest, most nutritious diet on the planet (or so I thought). I thought about food from the moment I woke up until the second I fell asleep... I was an addict in search of the purest dope: raw, vegan, organic food... I was headed down a path of self-destruction. So it’s not surprising that, like any hardcore addict, I eventually hit rock bottom."

and nutrition world today should be encouraging to anyone who’s ever tried a fad diet and failed.

Kale and Coffee offers practical tips for wellness, from testing your body-and pantry-for toxic metals to selecting the healthiest coffee, wines, and green drinks to consume. And don’t miss the Kale and Coffee 21-Day Jumpstart to launch you on your own journey of transformation.

So begins the saga of health blogger Kevin Gianni and his wife, Annmarie, as they travel the world to learn as much as they can about health and nutrition. Along the way they meet unlikely people in unlikely places as Kevin seeks an answer to his burning question:

What-and how much-should we eat?

Gianni’s lighthearted debunking of the hype and nonsense surrounding much of the health


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